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Blind Dog Rescue Alliance

Boothwyn, PA 19061






 The reasons they deserve our support & some GREAT ways to help!


A year ago, I rescued our little blind furbaby, named Sassy. I posted her picture & a couple questions that I had, on the Facebook page of a rescue that I found on the internet, for Blind dogs. I didn't really expect a reply on a page post, but one came with information that helped me & it was a very friendly reply, with an offer of more help if I needed it! THAT AWESOME rescue was called, Blind Dog  Rescue Alliance!



I have learned a lot more about BDRA (Blind Dog Rescue Alliance ), in the last year! 💗 They are a wonderful rescue!  I've seen it time & time again, with the care they take in their rescue dog! They take a genuine interest in these animals! They actually make sure, that they are not  only vetted, but loved & taken care of in every way possible!


It's not just their rescue animals, that they are this way with, it's their fosters, people who adopt from them & myself with just questions I needed help with! These are animal people, who care about people, who care about animals! Imagine that!

Furthermore, BDRA loves their rescue  dogs, enough to make sure that they really know them! They know their temperament, if they play, if they are cuddlers! When they know their past or what they have been through & their medical issues, they take each one & handle them gently, lovingly & in a way that causes the least amount of stress to the dog! I've seen their dogs, if only on their site & for all of their medical & prior life issues they look happy & loved! These rescue angels get nothing from this, but the love that they get back from these dogs; they truly love the dogs wholeheartedly & are the cheerleaders, as well as, the true saviors of these dogs! 

There are dogs that are super special, within BDRA, that these rescue  angels, keep in their homes & handle the medical issues, as well as sometimes, if it comes down to it, hospice issues, which for those rescue people who have loved them with all their heart, is hard! You can assist these rescue angels, by taking off some of the financial burden by sponsoring a Forever Foster for one or more of these dogs ! Forever fosters are the ones that will live at the rescue forever. These dogs tend to either suffer from health problems, extreme shyness or are just simply senior citizens. BDRA will care for these dogs with the best care we can give until it is their time to cross the Rainbow Bridge.



Forever Foster:




*We wish we may, we wish we might... The following link is for BDRA 's Amazon Wishlist & all you have to do, is pick out what it is, that you would like to donate; will it be a bed or blanket or toy, there's such neat stuff on the list & here's the link:

* Oh, speaking of Amazon, do you shop there? I know I do & with the holidays coming, this is a good time to learn about Amazon Smile! With Amazon Smile, you add a charity of your choice to your account, mine is BDRA, & when you shop, you begin at the Amazon Smile page & when you buy certain items, your charity gets a percentage & this costs you nothing! Their website explains far better than me, so here it is:

* You can do also small one time donation,at BDRA 's website ( it's Donate/Shop: )!  Both these furkids & these rescue angels need it! The donations are tax deductible & if your looking to shop, they have some great stuff, so check it out! Their's no one more deserving than BDRA!

*My FINAL  IDEAS for helping everyone can afford! Volunteer if possible! Foster, transport or help with events or whatever else, that BDRA, may have need of. If you can't foster, then transport animals. If you can't transport, then volunteer to help with the animals in any way you're able!. Lastly, if nothing else, just spread the word!💗 Share BDRA' s page, share their fundraisers,  & SHARE the word, about special needs animals needing homes! It's always appreciated & it makes a difference!




Available Dogs:



REMEMBER, these animals have no voice, no way to speak up & tell people how much they are hurting without a home  & family to love ! We are bound by our heart  & soul, to be their voice, not because of the way that we love these dogs  but for the way that they GIVE US, unconditional love , loyalty & the way, that they never judge us, regardless of what we carry in our hearts or if we're different from the rest! These are qualities, that we haven't mastered yet, which doesn't make us bad or Devils, but it does make these beautiful creatures nearer to  Angels, than anything I've known; yet some of us, treat them, as if they were disposable, instead of learning from them, how to be a true friend & seeing, that they're far from disposable, because, in my opinion, any being that can make your bad day, a good day, with just the wag of a tail, when you get home, is necessary in my life! 





A FINAL PLEA FOR BDRA: Please support the wonderful folks at Blind Dog  Rescue Alliance, in the awesome work that they do, with these animals! Not only getting them fostered & adopted, but taking care of HUGE amounts of medical care & loving  sanctuary, for the rest of the fur angels life, if needed! These things don't come cheap! They take a lot, out of BDRA's pocket, as well as, a lot of pain & love, out of the volunteers & fosters, that have grown to adore these sweet furbabies, as if they were their own & to some degree they are! And they go through this over & over again! That alone deserves our support & our respect! Finally, that alone deserves, that we shall some how, find a way, to help them, in their cause! PLEASE VISIT THEIR WEBSITE:











In closing, I thank you for reading me! To explain, BDRA is one of very few rescues, that I will go to bat for like this, because only those incredibly few rescues (that could be counted on one hand ) truly have love for what they do & deal with special needs/seniors fur angels, because they have love  for them & the need to care for them from that love!! I did rescue for 25 years! At 52, I keep saying I have retired, but I seem to keep dabbling in it somehow 😋 ! What I'm finding is that, most rescues have become cookie cutter, all sounding the same,when they speak, yet saying nothing & they mostly want to deal with puppies or young dogs, since they are easily placed, bring higher adoption fees & there are far less medical bills. They tend to take so many animals, that they don't know who their animals are & they don't deal properly with their special needs animals & animals with medical issues! BDRA is always at the top of my list for knowing their animals,taking the time to make the right placements, taking care of medical & hospice, with love  for these furbabies & continuing to help others in the process! This is the way that a rescue should be run & BELIEVE THIS, the road that BDRA has chosen, is laden with hard work & is one that takes a lot of love & patience, as well! It is not something that I've found, in most rescues, which brings me to my final point! BDRA deserves our support,in whatever way you choose, because it does take that patience & love & showers it upon dogs, some which have never known love & some so ill, that e?ven other rescues, might call them disposable & give up on them! BDRA gives them medical care, gives them a home, gives them sanctuary & most importantly, gives them the love, that they have never known! If that doesn't deserve our respect & 
support, then I don't know what does!

Thank you again for your support of BDRA!

Much love to you & your furkids! 💗

Shelly Rust

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