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Welcome to Cookie's Animal

Rescue & Sanctuary's Page


We are gonna start you off this way, with the right frame of mind,

the right story & the right way of thinking, mine! 

There's not alot out there about this rescue/sanctuary, but there should be. This lady has one statement & that is the following, about, basically what this rescue is dedicated to:

"This rescue is dedicated to my Aunt Cookie. "Chasing Chance" for 4 months is how we got started. In the process we had many come our way, dumped bait dogs, abused and left for dead, battleing parvo, worms, intestinal viruses and heartworms! We are 5013c!!"

This may be a bit long winded! That stands for what it's dedicated to, but certainly not for the heart & dedication going into this thing. I have seen the posts for these animal. She puts more heart, soul & money into these animals than can be believe.

Most rescues, I've found, have become cookie cutter, all sounding the same,when they speak, yet saying nothing. They mostly want to deal with puppies or young dogs, since they are easily placed, bring higher adoption fees. There are far less medical bills & far more profits.  They don't know who their animals are & they don't deal properly with their senior animals & animals with medical issues! Cookie's is doing just the opposite!  They do what they do from the hear, because they are truly rescue angels! They are not only taking care of these animals until adoption, but they are taking care of them, for life, if that's what they require! That's real love & real rescue! 

A real rescue/sanctuary always knows their  animals,takes the time to make the right placements, takes  care of medical & hospice, doing it with love, while continuing to help the others in the process! This is the way that a rescue/sanctuary should be run!BELIEVE THIS,, the road that Cookie's Animal Rescue & Sanctuary has chosen will be  laden with hard work & is one that takes a lot of love & patience, as well! It is not something that I've found most rescues have the heart to choose,which brings me to my final point! Cookie's deserves our support, in whatever way you choose, because it does take that patience & love & showers it upon dogs, some which have never known love & some so ill, that even other rescues, might call them disposable & give up on them! Cookie's Animal Rescue gives them medical care, gives them a home, gives them sanctuary & most importantly, gives them the love, that they have never known! If that doesn't deserve our respect & support, then I don't know what does!

ONE MORE FINAL PLEA FOR Cookie's Animal Rescue &Sanctuary: Please support the wonderful folks at Cookie's, in the awesome work that they do, with these animals! Not only getting them adopted, but taking care of HUGE amounts of medical care & loving  sanctuary, for the rest of the fur angels life, if needed! These things don't come cheap! They take a lot, out of Cookie's Animal Rescue & Sanctuary pocket, as well as, a lot of pain & love, out of the volunteers & others, that have grown to adore these sweet furbabies, as if they were their own & to some degree they are! And they go through this over & over again! That alone deserves our support & our respect! Finally, that alone deserves, that we shall some how, find a way, to help them, in their cause! 




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