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Welcome to the
Humphrey House 4 Homeless Animals Page

Baltimore, MD 21230


Humphrey House's Mission


Our mission is to save lives from overcrowded shelters and place them into loving homes.

Humphrey House takes care of a lot of seniors & medical cases, which means COSTLY VET BILLS!


I'm going to step back from my usual  input on pages & share a post, that I found heart-wrenching & happy, all at the same time.  It's a post from TO "DUNKIN'S ROAD TO LOVE & HEALING" PAGE  & it says a lot about Humphrey House.

Please Read:



Today's rescue seemed harder than usual. I'm not quite sure why I found myself in tears on our way back to Humphrey House. I'm not sure if the tears were from sadness, knowing this sweet boy has never felt affection or if they were tears of joy for the new life he'll now have. Maybe a little bit of both.



This purebred beagle was simply called #7. A discarded hunting dog. He wasn't doing his "job" as a rabbit hunter, so his owner didn't want him anymore. He was considered nothing but labor. A caring farmer took him in and placed an ad on Craigslist, looking for someone to take him in before sending him to the local shelter. A friend saw the ad and asked if we could help this sweet boy.


We see so much abuse and neglect in the world of rescue. It's amazing when we see animals that are severely neglected & abused, still wagging their tail hoping to be shown affection. It makes me believe that they can remember a time when someone was kind to them. They remember what it's like to be loved. But then there's dogs like #7. Those that have never had a soft bed to lay in. Never allowed inside a home. Never shown any type of affection at all. They were bred to do a job and are nothing but a number.


He's thin but not emaciated. He seems to be in good health. But is that enough? Of coarse not! He deserves to be a cherished member of a family. He deserves to know what love is. Right now he is scared of a humans touch. He cowers and runs away. That's the first thing we hope to change for him here at Humphrey House. To show him that humans are kind and caring. To show him what a loving home is.


For now, he is safe and comfortable at Humphrey House. We will be making an appointment at our vet tomorrow for him to be vaccinated, chipped, neutered, etc. Once he's cleared by our vet medically, he will need a home of his own that will continue showing him the love that he deserves. It may take some time, so he will need a very special, caring, patient adopter. He is estimated to be about 6 years old and weighs about 18 lbs.....He's been ADOPTED!

NOD TO "DUNKIN'S ROAD TO LOVE & HEALING" PAGE AT for writing the above about Humphrey House, about rescue & about love!











That post speaks volumes about Humphrey House for Homeless Animals! It tells you, that they are paw-sitive people!  Some people in the world of rescue ONLY see the negative of it, at Humphrey House, THEY MAINTAIN A SENSE OF HOPE & OF POSITIVITY! That's absolutely gotta be great for the animals, not to mention what it is for the volunteers, fosters or potential adopters!  READ ON!





Most rescues, I've found, have become cookie cutter, all sounding the same, yet when they speak, they say nothing useful. They mostly want to deal with puppies or younger dogs, since they are easily placed, bring higher adoption fees. There are far less medical bills & far more profits.  They don't know who their animals are & they don't deal properly with their senior/special needs animals! Humphrey House is doing just the opposite!  They are not only taking care of these animals until adoption, but as long as they require! That's real love & real rescue! 

A real rescue always knows their dogs, takes the time to make the right placements, takes  care of medical, doing it with love, while continuing to help the others in the process! This is the way that a true rescue should be run! 


BELIEVE THIS, the road that Humphrey House has chosen will be  laden with hard work, both physical, but also mental & is one that takes a lot of love & patience, as well! It is not something that I've found most rescues have the heart to choose, which brings me to my final point! 


Humphrey House DESERVES our support, in whatever way you choose, because it does take that patience & love & showers it upon dogs, some which have never known love & some so ill, upon their arrival, that even other rescues, might call them disposable & give up on them! Humphrey House gives them medical care, gives them a home & most importantly, gives them much needed love! If that doesn't deserve our respect & support, then I don't know what does! I have to say is that Humphrey House does so much, for these dogs everyday, that EVERY one of us, owe them something, to help with all of the emotional & financial tolls, that they are paying daily. They get the love from the animals, but the suffer so much loss especially with the senior & special needs fur babies! The medical, food, spay/neuter are all through the roof & they are a small rescue with small adoption fees! They need our help, in the form of donations, volunteers, fosters, adoptions, Amazon Smile, wishlist items, or start a Facebook or Go Fund Me fundraiser! Not necessarily in that order! It’s more than a matter of the heart, it’s a matter of the human soul! It's a pay it forward kind of thing! You gotta feel it & when you feel it, you're just gonna feel better about you! 

Please continue to the bottom of the page to read about Fiona, the sweet dog on the page background, that needs a furever home, so desperately!

Please visit our below links:

















Fiona, available for adoption or foster! 14 y.o. female pittie! see pics & get info!

Fiona is still looking for a retirement home to spend her golden years. She is estimated to be 13 years old and still enjoys hikes & adventures. She is spayed, chipped & current on vaccines. She did recently have a mammory tumor removed but no further treatment is needed at this time. Fiona loves people but needs to be the only pet in her home.





About Adoption

When interested in adopting one of our homeless animals, please send us a message on our Facebook Page at

 with the following info:

Which animal you are interested in...

If you have young kids or other pets...

If you rent or own your home...

If you have a fenced yard or will leash walk...

How many hours you're typically home...

What area you live in... 

There's no right or wrong answer. Each animal has different needs, so this initial information will help us find the best match for your family.


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